
Hello, I am

Welcome to your virtual haven! I'm here to streamline your digital experience, assist with tasks big and small, and make your online journey smoother than ever. Let's simplify, organize, and conquer together!

Hire me

Modern Scribble Oblong

About Carmelle Magpayo

With a background in Business Administration, majoring in Marketing Management, I've successfully managed operations in the Food and Beverage industry. Now, as a virtual assistant and social media manager, I bring my expertise to streamline processes, exceed expectations, and elevate your online presence. From data entry to content creation, let's collaborate and achieve your goals together!

What I offer

Modern Scribble Line
White square frame line.

Social Media Management

Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling

Canva graphic editing for captivating visuals.

Social media calendar management for strategic scheduling.

Crafting engaging captions, blogs, and trending content.

Monitoring and capitalizing on trending topics for maximum engagement.

White square frame line.

Administrative Tasks

Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling

Proficient in data entry, scheduling, and inbox management.

Organizes files, documents, and schedules for smooth operations.

Manages client/team correspondence.

Supports administrative tasks for streamlined workflow and productivity.

White square frame line.
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling
Checklist Journaling


Provides chat support.

Expert in data entry and lead generation.

Manages email correspondence effectively.

Creates captivating Canva designs.

Project Gallery

Here are some of the projects I worked on

Black Brush Stroke Scribble

5 Tips on Building Stronger Connections

Carousel and Guide | Lisa McFarland

Love in Focus

Carousel and Guide | Lisa McFarland


Meme Post |Lisa McFarland

Communication Harmony Guide

Ebook | Lisa McFarland

text NEW BLOG POST on light box on table with old typewriter, computer keyboard and cup of coffee

Building a Profitable Business

Blog Post Content | India

Strategic Synergy

Webinar Design | India

The Rise of Remote Work

Blog Post Content | India

House Model and Money, House Key Lying on Real Estate Contract,

Navigating Real Estate Jungle

Blog Post Content | Vikram Deol

research stock market chart paper for analysis Brainstorm Meeting research

Real Estate Broker Demand in New York

Blog Post Content | Vikram Deol

Drop me a line if you're up for some awesome collaboration fun!

Modern Scribble Oblong
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